“Sign the transitional justice bill into law” activist call out

Courtesy Picture: Activist Edmond Yakani, Executive Director for Community Empowerment for Progress Organization.

By Jackson Gaaniko

The Executive Director of the Community Empowerment for Progress Organization, on Monday called on the country’s leadership to prioritize the establishment of critical transitional justice mechanisms.

Edmond Yakani’s appeal was directed at the leadership of the Peace and Reconciliation Committee and the National Legislative Assembly.

He urging them to expedite the approval of pending bills mandated by the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.

Yakani said priorities have to be made to establish the commission of truth reconciliation and healing.

The activist adds that this article which is found in chapter 5 of the revitalized agreement provides for compensation and reparation

“I respectfully appeal to the leadership of our National Legislative Assembly. It is crucial that the pending bills related to transitional justice, particularly the establishment of the Commission for Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation, and the Compensation and Reparation Authority, be prior these are vital components of Chapter 5 of ARCSS” Yakani emphasized.

The Director urged the bill to be passed and signed into law by the President without delay. he stressed that a robust transitional justice system is essential for a smooth and successful transition in South Sudan.

On the contrary, Yakani praised the progress made by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs during discussions in Geneva. Hon. Reuben Madol Arol has conserted efforts that advanced the establishment of the National Human Rights Council.

He expressed optimism that this development would enhance the mechanisms needed to deliver justice during the transition.

“We commend these efforts and remain hopeful that civil society will continue to play a pivotal role in supporting this essential process” Yakani concluded.