Wednesday, February 26, 2025

WPFD: Protect media and journalists from violence, activists cryout.

By Ojok Darious Kidomua, Easter Radio Every 3rd of May is a day dedicated to commemorate...

Gender-Based Violence and Juvenile Court launched in Juba as a separate entity

Some Juba residents, activists and judicial officers say they hope a Gender-Based Violence and Juvenile Court launched last year will address...

GBV in S. Sudan is related to the country’s economic crisis, activists say.

Some Civil Society Organisations in Torit are creating awareness to end Gender Based Violence in the state. Head of Women Agency...

Gender based violence: A silent killer

Activists in South Sudan Jonglei state are calling for more action to end gender-based violence. The activists say officials should do...

Boda-boda operators in Juba complain it is difficult to stay in business

Boda boda riders in Juba are accusing their own governing body, Boda boda Association, of scheming with South Sudan Police and...

ECSSS Bishop calls for support to IDPs.

By: Esther Natalino, Radio Easter Recent wave of insecurity involving sporadic shootings in the Otogo Payam...

From peace rally to deadly road ambush, Eastern Equatoria State Governor

By Obale Emmanuel-Torit The press secretary in the office of the State governor, Aliandro Lotok has...

Supporting local government to provide better access for urban refugees

By Musa Sabir. Due to the unconducive living condition in the settlement camps coupled with rambling...

Increasing unemployment push citizens into tricky business

Some jobs are in men–dominated fields, meaning women can hardly take them up. One example of such occupations is boda-boda. Boda-boda...

Co–existence dilemma

Five years on, living side-by-side, refugees and the host communities of Bidi bidi are still struggling to attain total harmony amid...

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